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Monks protest: 100000 march in new Myanmar protest

24.09.2007 - Yangon, Myanmar

All round the world tomorrow people will be wearing red in a show support and solidarity to the monks and the Burmese people in their brave and peaceful efforts to bring democracy to Burma said comment on YouTube by Pengwaq

Demonstrations in Burma

Monks demonstration in Yangon on Sataturday.

Today's top story "Warning shots fired as 10,000 again rally in Yangon" copy and paste this link to read the story now.

Should We Talk About 'Melayu Bogel'? | Holy Month

This month is holy month for melayu or muslim people. It's also known as bulan 'ramadan'. Coming after the fasting will be 'Hari Lebaran' or melayu new year.

If you want to read about what is ramadan or holy month please click here to read the story behind. Why is it important for muslims to do fasting? All will be explained.

Anyway, what I want to stress out here is 'melayu bogel' is being search about on the Internet. I hope this search term is not being searched by muslims people who do their fasting at the moment. Because from what I know, they are not supposed to do any intimate action even holding hand. But fact is only those muslims know better than me. And for those who do watch while fasting should be ashamed.

And I will be adding some more videos I found from youtube, it will the latest and most viewed by people.

PS: Build your deeds in this month, do your obligation as muslims people.


Warning shots fired as 10,000 again rally in Yangon

Warning shots fired as 10,000 again rally in Yangon
Source: dated 27.09.2007

YANGON - Myanmar security forces Thursday fired warning shots over a crowd of 10,000 protesters near downtown Yangon, just three hours after soldiers dispersed a much larger crowd in the city, witnesses said.

Shots were rapidly fired over the protesters, who quickly ran through the eastern edge of downtown Yangon, just blocks from where tens of thousands had earlier braved a government crackdown.

The protesters in that part of the city had repeatedly defied military orders to disperse throughout the day, constantly regrouping after each crackdown, witnesses said.

At least two other protests took place in neighbourhoods near monasteries that were raided by security forces during the night, witnesses said.

Those rallies were also dispersed with teargas, baton charges and warning shots, the witnesses said.

Security forces raided the two monasteries during the night, arresting about 100 Buddhist monks at one of them, witnesses added.

British diplomatic sources the above source to read the complete story now.

Is America Ready For Ron Paul?

Many people want to judge candidates in the 2008 Presidential Election on things like abortion. It really does not matter how any candidate feels about abortion, it is a non-issue at this point. Immigration, the Iraq war, the corporate takeover of America and what we do about each of these things, could determine the direction and even the future existence of our country.
Our founding fathers believed that we should not get involved in foreign issues that are not of vital national interest. Right now we have soldiers stationed in over 130 countries around the world. We need to bring those soldiers home and ensure that we have strong national defense. Part of a strong national defense is securing our borders. Any country that has 12 million people crossing its borders illegally, would realize an invasion is going on. The citizens of the United States the link to read on.

Tony vs. Paul

The most viewed video clip Tony vs Ron paul by 3,687,764 people and was added 10tmhs ago, and there are 9938 comments on it.

If you haven't watched, click to check it out now!

2008 Presidential Election: Ron Paul?

The way I see the 2008 presidential election is that you have Ron Paul and everybody else for the Republicans. The Republican Party has become very weird in recent years, very militant and aggressive. Many claiming to be Christians in many cases, yet being anti-poor, for torture of prisoners, and in many other cases opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. I think the Republican Party may represent apostate Christianity. The only notable difference is Ron Paul. He is more the old fashioned Dwight Eisenhower Republican that many of them were before they started going crazy. So I support Ron Paul as the Republican nominee.

For the Democratic Party I think there is a question about what they really stand for. Many Democrats think the Republicans stole the elections in 2000 and 2004. But it also seemed that John to continue reading about 2008 Presidential Election.

Ron Paul in Seattle, Washington September 14TH 2007

Ron Paul is currently being the hottest topic in the politics news, and most search about on the internet.

If you search "Ron Paul" on, there are 28,900 video clips being added, and this one showing here is the latest added about 15 hours ago. And the most viewed vidoe about Ron Paul is around 3,687,764 (the clip will be post in a minute here @ your showtime with kate blog.

Reality Check: What would a Ron Paul presidency be like?

Reality Check: What would a Ron Paul presidency be like?
by David Heiert

OK, some believe, as I do, that Ron Paul can win the presidency. So we must wonder what America would be like if it happened.

I know even THINKING about a Paul win scares some senseless, but I have already spoke to that... I still don't know why that is..

Now for a quick review on the US Federal government configuration (I know we all had this lecture in middle school, but it is needed for this discussion). The Federal government is supposed to be divided into three branches in order to ensure checks and balances. That way, no one of them will have more power than any other, thus allowing the citizens control over their decisions at least in an indirect way.

So, the Senate and House present bills to be voted into law. If they make it out of Congress, the President has to sign it to make it law. He/she can veto it, but the Congress can still pass it with a 2/3 vote. After the law is passed, it is the responsibility of the Judiciary branch to decide if and how it can be enforced. They can also determine that it can't be a law at all if it violates the Constitution.
Of course, there are loopholes like executive orders and agencies like the DOJ, IRS, FBI, etc. that have some autonomous power themselves.